S.Weisser CV

link to personal biography page  1951-78

live performances
17 March 1969     “The Mountain Looked At The Mountain…And Slipped Away To Sea”, presented at the Language Events” Show California State College, Long Beach
Half the audience repeated; “the mountain looked”, and the other half; “at the mountain”.
12 September 1974      “Confusongs”, solo reading at Books, etc., Sherman Oaks, CA.
14 March 1975         “Book Of Love Being Written As They Touched”, for 8 female voices, based on the 40.320 permutations of this sentence,
Premiered at the “Second Generation” Show, Museum of Conceptual Art, San Francisco
(voices: Faryl Bell, Lorry Benjamin, Emi Ozaki, Ilyse Feder, Mary Ann Melchert, Judy Parks, Margaret Pethick, Carol Shaler)
21 May 1975      “DUET”, two 45min Duets with Roberta Friedman, the last with tape accompaniment, at University Of California, Santa Barbara
12 July 1975      “Whenzday Stood w/Ghosts Rituals”, for 6 voices, Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art
(voices: Hendrika Brouer, Roberta Friedman, Abbigail Kanter, Robert Velick, Graham Weinbren, S.Weisser)
11,18, 25 January 1976      “Enchanted Hours”, live duets from 8-10pm, in conjunction with the “Hagiogrammz” show, Beyond Baroque Foundation
(voices: Susan Sharpe 11th, 18th, Dierdre Beckett 25th w/ S.Weisser)
7 February 1976      “Talk Of Why”, “Compomotion” for 3 voices and tape replay, broadcast live on KPFK Los Angeles 12pm-2am
(voices: Susan Sharpe,Roberta Friedman, S.Weisser)
19 March 1976        “Instill”, for 4 voices and tape replay, Theatre Vanguard, Los Angeles
(voices: Susan Sharpe, Rebecca Nevarre, Will Jackson, S.Weisser)
4 April 1977      “Fool Moon”, 3 hour spacial poetic live mix for taped voices 7-10pm, Word Works Gallery, San Jose
19 September 1977    “Oomoonoon: Dancing On The Brink Of The Word #1”, 3 hour tape installation beginning with three 3 minute loops of 3 voices each –
their ambience was recorded and every 45 minutes the loop replaced; total voice accumulation progression: 9-15-27-51 voices,
Umunhum Room – California State University at San Jose
19 November 1977, “Spatial Poetics”, live mix for taped voices, the first west coast international sound poetry festival, La Mamelle, San Francisco
25 November 1977, “Sound Of Wind And Limb”, for mallet percussion, Works Gallery, San Jose
29 March 1978     “Oomoonoon: Dancing On The Brink Of The Word #2”, tape mix for 18 voices, Umunhum Room – California State University, San Jose
18 September 1982     “Dark Pastimes”, solo voice accompanied by tape mix, het Apollohuis, Eindhoven, Netherlands

Gallery presentations
One person
4–31 January 1976    “Hagiogrammz”, visual poetries, Beyond Baroque Foundation, Venice, Los Angeles
b/w “Enchanted Hours”, 2 hour sound poetry duets on 11,18 and 15 January, each Sunday of the show.

June 1976      visual poetry show, California State University, Sacramento
1976-1979       various group shows at La Mamelle, San Francisco, California
August 1977   visual poetry show, And/Or, Seattle, Washington
March 1978     sound sculpture show, Union Gallery, California State University, San Jose

Visual publications
“Write:Rite”, LAICA Journal #7, August/September 1975
“Source Of Supply”, Synapse, 1976
“Gray Matter”, Intermedia, 1976
“Contexts”, La Mamelle #1, #2 [front and rear covers] 1976, 1977
“The Mechanics Of Genius”, Dumb OX, 1977
“Pyramid>Pyrmaid”, Imagezine #3, 1977
“Sag Mir”, Panache, 1978
“Contexts”, 1981 and 1983  twelve originals printed as six for the accompanying visual materials to  “Poextensions” and “Editeditions”)
a 7″ record published by Subterranean Records, San Francisco

Audio publications
“55 Buick On 5”, 1976, Audiozine #1, Art Contemporary Publications, San Francisco, California
“Sound Of Wind And Limb”, 1977, Audiozine #2 – Art Contemporary Publications, San Francisco, California
“Oomoonoon”, 1978 – Audio Editions, Union Gallery, CSU San Jose
“Poextensions & Contexts”, 1981 – Subterranean Records, San Francisco, California
“Editeditions & Contexts”, 1983 – Subterranean Records, San Francisco, California

Archives Of California Art – Oakland Museum of Art
Contemporary Art Archives – La Mamelle Inc.
Artist Book Collection – Otis Art Institute, Los Angeles